Clear Foil (Pearl Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Clear Foil (Pearl Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
5 Rollen Hitte-geactiveerde folie
Groen, Blauw, Kastanjerood, Parel, Goudgespikkeld.Afmetingen: 125mm x 5m.Verpakt per 5 stuks...
5 Rollen Hitte-geactiveerde folie Uitverkocht
Goud (Iriserend Spiraalpatroon) - Hittegevoelige folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Goud (Iriserend Spiraalpatroon) - Hittegevoelige folie
Cyaan (Iriserende vlokkenpatroon) hittegevoelige folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Cyaan (Iriserende vlokkenpatroon) hittegevoelige folie
Kastanjebruin (doorschijnend) - Hittegeactiveerde folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Kastanjebruin (doorschijnend) - Hittegeactiveerde folie
Persimmon Oranje (Spiegeleffect) - Hittegeactiveerde Folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Persimmon Oranje (Spiegeleffect) - Hittegeactiveerde Folie
Zwart Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Iriserende Driehoeken Patroon)
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Zwart Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Iriserende Driehoeken Patroon) Uitverkocht
Groen - Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Iriserende driehoeken)
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Groen - Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Iriserende driehoeken)
Drijfhout Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Matte Finish)
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Drijfhout Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Matte Finish)
Goud (Iriserend driehoekenpatroon) - Hittegeactiveerde Folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Goud (Iriserend driehoekenpatroon) - Hittegeactiveerde Folie
Zilver (Iriserende staafjes) - Hittegeactiveerde folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Zilver (Iriserende staafjes) - Hittegeactiveerde folie
Lichtgroen (Spiegeleffect) - Hittegeactiveerde Folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Lichtgroen (Spiegeleffect) - Hittegeactiveerde Folie
Zilver (Iriserend Kubuspatroon) - Hittegeactiveerde Folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Zilver (Iriserend Kubuspatroon) - Hittegeactiveerde Folie
Paars (Pastel Spiegeleffect) - Hittegevoelige folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Paars (Pastel Spiegeleffect) - Hittegevoelige folie
Regenboogkleurige Vlekken Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Spiegeleffect)
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Regenboogkleurige Vlekken Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Spiegeleffect) Uitverkocht
Hardroze Hittegeactiveerde Folie (doorschijnend)
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Hardroze Hittegeactiveerde Folie (doorschijnend)
Rood (mat pastel finish) - hittegeactiveerde folie
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Rood (mat pastel finish) - hittegeactiveerde folie
Roze Hittegactiveerde folie (Iriserend vlokkenpatroon)
Rood Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Roze spiegelend effect)
Ontworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en overige creatieve projecten.Afmeting: 5 m x 125mm...
Rood Hittegeactiveerde Folie (Roze spiegelend effect)
Paars Hittegeactiveerde folie (spiegelend)
paars spiegel effectOntworpen voor gebruik met de GoPress en folie machine. Deze mooie, warmtegeactiveerde folie is perfect voor gebruik samen met hotfoil-stempels om prachtige elementen te maken voor kaarten, scrapbooking pagina's en buiten de pagina projecten.Afmeting: 4,9 in x 16,4 ft (5 m x 125mm)...
Paars Hittegeactiveerde folie (spiegelend)
Blue Foil (Iridescent Triangular Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Blue Foil (Iridescent Triangular Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Purple Foil (Deep Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Purple Foil (Deep Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Silver Foil (Mirror Material Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Silver Foil (Mirror Material Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Cyan Foil (Iridescent Sparks Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Cyan Foil (Iridescent Sparks Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft Uitverkocht
Pink-Purple Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Pink-Purple Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Pink Foil (Iridescent Triangular Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Pink Foil (Iridescent Triangular Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Gold Foil (Iridescent Pillars Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Gold Foil (Iridescent Pillars Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Gold Foil (Pale Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Gold Foil (Pale Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft Uitverkocht
Silver Foil (Irridescent Diamond Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Silver Foil (Irridescent Diamond Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Grey Foil (Dark Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Grey Foil (Dark Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Phantom Purple Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Phantom Purple Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Petal Pink Foil (Pearl Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Petal Pink Foil (Pearl Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Red Dotted Hologram (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Red Dotted Hologram (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Pearl Foil (Iridescent Flake Pattern Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Pearl Foil (Iridescent Flake Pattern Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft Uitverkocht
Red Hologram Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Red Hologram Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Copper Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Copper Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Red Copper Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Red Copper Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Champagne Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Champagne Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft Uitverkocht
Rose Gold Foil (Vintage Matte Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Rose Gold Foil (Vintage Matte Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft Uitverkocht
Royal Blue Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Royal Blue Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Green Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Green Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Deep Red Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Deep Red Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Red-Orange Foil (Iridescent Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Red-Orange Foil (Iridescent Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Silver Foil (Iridescent Material Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Silver Foil (Iridescent Material Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Gold Foil (Iridescent Shavings Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Gold Foil (Iridescent Shavings Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Red Foil (Matte Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Red Foil (Matte Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Pink Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Pink Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Blue Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Blue Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Gold Foil (Iridescent Square Pattern) - 125mm x 5m
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Gold Foil (Iridescent Square Pattern) - 125mm x 5m
Gold Foil (Iridenscent Speckled Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Gold Foil (Iridenscent Speckled Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Gold Foil (Vintage Matte Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Gold Foil (Vintage Matte Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft Uitverkocht
Gold Foil (Yellow Matte Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Gold Foil (Yellow Matte Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Silver Foil (Iridescent Digital Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Silver Foil (Iridescent Digital Pattern) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Foil Silber Irisiered - 125mm x 5m
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...
Foil Silber Irisiered - 125mm x 5m
Silver Foil (Mirror Finish) - 125mm x 5m | 4.9in x 16.4ft
Designed for use with the GoPress and Foil machine, this beautiful, heat activated foil is perfect for use along with Hotfoil Stamps to create gorgeous elements for cards, scrapbooking pages and off the page projects...